Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Na tum Muskurati.....

  तुम  मुस्कुराती    यह  बात  होती
  मौसम  बदलता    यह बरसात  होती |

 ख्वाबों   में  तस्वीर  तेरा  लिए  फिरते,
  बागों   में  खुशबू  यूँ  एफरात  होती |

  मंज़र  तेरा  नज़र  पे  छाया  होता,
 शब् पे छाई  यूँ  चान्दिनी  रात  होती |

  तुम  मुस्कुराते    यह  बात  होती.
  मौसम  बदलता यह  बरसात  होती

 तड़प  कोई  होता    बेचैनी  कोई  होती,
 जेहनो--दिल  में  बेबस  तासिरात  होती |

 हम  राह  तकते    हम  सोचा  करते,
 बे-वजेह  कोई  ऐसी  मुलाक़ात  होती |

 आरज़ू  पनपते    होसलों  में  माद्दा   होता,
 बेरंग ज़िन्दगी  में  हसरते  बेहिसाब   होती  |

  तुम  मुस्कुराते    यह  बात  होती.
  मौसम  बदलता यह  बरसात  होती |

  तुम  यूँ  शरमाते   मई  हैरान  होता,
 हवा  रुख  बदलती,  मौसम  बेईमान  होता | 

 रगों  में  एहसास  तेरा  मुझमे  यूँ  होता,
 खिज़ा  में  रंगत  यूँ  तेरी  यार  होती  |

 तरसते  तेरे  दीद  को,  गफलत  में  यूँ  होता,
 बदस्तूर  इस  दिल  में  कोई  फ़रियाद  होती |

  तुम  मुस्कुराते    यह  बात  होती.
  मौसम  बदलता यह  बरसात  होती |


तसिरात : ख्वाहिश , तम्मना 
माद्दा : हिम्मत 
गफलत : सम्मोहन
खिज़ा : वातावरण, मौसम 
दीद : दीदार 
बदस्तूर : निरंतर  , लगातार

Types of People to be avoided on Facebook !

Hello Blog viewers, 

Here is my new blog with some thing again about a burning topic i.e., FACEBOOK Invitations and which types of peoples should be avoided on Facebook.

Read it slow ( lol :P )

So without wasting any more precious time of yours,  as you might loose you favorite TV series episode or whatever...... here we go !

The Let-Me-Tell-You-Every-Detail-of-My-Day. “I’m waking up.” “I had Wheaties for breakfast.” “I’m bored at work.” “I’m stuck in traffic.” "You’re kidding! How fascinating!", "I am sick again.. ..:( ", " Life sucks :P " No moment is too mundane for some people to broadcast unsolicited to the world. Just because you have 500+ Facebook friends doesn't mean we all want to know when you’re waiting for the bus, have you had your Breakfast, you had a good day or not, weather your new colleague is HOT or not, or else you lost your mobile....blah blah blah.. 

The Self-Promoter. OK, so we’ve probably all posted at least once about some achievement. And sure, maybe your friends really do want to read the fascinating article you wrote about thoughts on some topics that is not so fascinating. But when almost EVERY update is a link to your blog, your poetry reading, your YouTube favorite video or your art show, you sound like a self-centered careerist.

Cheeppooo : The Friend-Padder. The average Facebook user has 120 friends on the site. Schmoozers and social butterflies — you know, the ones who make lifelong pals on the subway — might reasonably have 300 or 400. But 1,000 “friends?” Unless you’re George Clooney, Matt Damon, Dwayne Johnson or just won the lottery or Sa Re Ga Ma Pa, no one has that many. That’s just showing off.

Ronthdooo : The Town Crier. “Michael Jackson is dead!!!” You heard it from me first! Me, and the 213,000 other people who all saw it on BBC. "Another Earthquake ripples me off !!!" As if they are the one who's the town savior. If he/she didn't posted that we might have never got that news.. GO TO HELL !!! :P  These fame shame wannabes are the reason many of us learn of breaking news not from TV or news sites but from online social networks. In their rush to trumpet the news, these people also spread rumors, half-truths and innuendo.

Jhoothaaaa : The Spammer. These people who just flaunt out with some status that .. "Happy Blah blah DOG day, Please re post this if you have a cute Dog.." shut the f**k up. I bet in your short FB career you might have at-least once encountered this kind of friends who post always something like even if they don't know what is it all about and the it becomes gross when some other friends re post that shit and come up in your wall for all day long..  

Hingrezzzz : The Bad Grammarian. “sO sAd AbOuT rIsHaB nOt aBlE tO mAkE iT fOr ThE PaRtY.." "shocked about Sohail but Im so gladd its fridayy yippe”. Yes, I know the punctuation rules are different in the digital world. And, no, no one likes a spelling the whole now a days.But you sound like a moron. better you keep practicing your skills or just put that CAPS Key off your keyboard.....XD

The Sympathy-Baiter. “Rohan is feeling sad today.” " I don't thing this relationship would last anymore", “Man, am I glad that’s over.” “Disha could really use some good news about now.” Like anglers hunting for fish, these sad sacks cast out their hooks — baited with vague tales of woe — in the hopes of landing concerned responses. Genuine bad news is one thing, but these manipulative posts are just pleas for attention. They are here to spread just negative vibesssss.. Mind you ..!!

Ghuspaithiey : The Lurker. The Peeping Toms of Facebook, these voyeurs are too cautious, or maybe too lazy, to update their status or write on your wall. But once in a while, you’ll be talking to them and they’ll mention something you posted, so you know they’re on your page, hiding in the shadows. It’s just a little creepy.

Ghanchakkar : The Crank. These curmudgeons, like the trolls who spew hate in blog comments, never met something they couldn’t complain about. “Catherine isn’t really that impressed with idiots who don’t realize how idiotic they are.”  Keep spreading the love. For God Sake don't become Swami Ramdev on Facebook.

The Paparazzo. Ever visit your Facebook page and discover that someone’s posted a photo of you from last weekend’s party — a photo you didn’t authorize and haven’t even seen? You’d really rather not have to explain to your Girlfriend about what happened actually there and what the pic shows about... 

The Obscurist. "what next...??, keep guessing" “If not now then when?” “You’ll see…” “Grist for the mill.” “John is, small world.” “Dave thought he was immune, but no. No, he is not.” [Actual status updates, all.] Sorry, but you’re not being mysterious — just nonsensical.

The Illusionist: Stay vigilant because just because of these morons in the fb some active sites have been created which are dedicated for making Status for you . ohhh Come On Fb says "whats on your mind?" and not others....... so people who just make other people statuses as theirs using some unknown websites like Status Shuffle, Statusbook, etc etc ( just google Facebook status and you would see these sites showing up.. ) lol I cant imagine these people needs  sites like these to manage their Facebook account and Statuses ... :D :D :D  

The Chronic Inviter. “Support my cause. Sign my petition. Play Mafia Wars with me. Which ‘Star Trek’ character are you? Here are the ‘Top 5 cars I have personally owned.’ Here are ’25 Things About Me.’ Here’s a drink. What drink are you? We’re related! I took the ‘What President Are You?’ quiz and found out I’m Millard Fillmore! What president are you?” Bull shit..

Okies.. i know I am no Ideal here.. but its just a thought been expressed .. Enjoy facebook-ing folks.... Thats what this man ( M. Zuckerberg ) wants you to do at Facebook.


L'equipe Blog

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Why You Never Hear Back after applying to a JOB ?

People often wonder why they never hear anything back after they hit ‘send’ on the email with a resume attached or on the on-line job application. If you’re very lucky, you might have a preliminary email exchange with a recruiter and then never hear from them again.
It’s a depressing experience, and one which also casts a shadow on the hiring company’s reputation. So why does it happen? Is it you, is it them, or is it just something every candidate must prepare for in the hiring process?
There’s no question job seekers face an uphill climb. High unemployment nationally means more competition for every position; according to a January 2012 article in the Wall Street Journal, Starbucks “… attracted 7.6 million job applicants over the past 12 months for about 65,000 corporate and retail job openings…”
An oft-cited recruiter’s complaint is that as many as 50 percent of people applying for a given job simply aren’t qualified. Adding to the challenge, most large companies – and many smaller ones – use talent-management software to screen resumes, weeding out up to 50 percent of applicants before a human even looks at a resume or cover letter. The deck is definitely stacked against the job seeker. So how do you break through?
Here are my top 5 reasons you’re not hearing back after applying for a job, with five suggestions for ways to avoid the Resume Black Hole.
Why You Never Hear Back:
  1. You really aren’t qualified. If a job description specifies a software developer with 3-5 years of experience and you’re a recent graduate with one internship, it’s unlikely you’ll get a call. Avoid disappointment – don’t apply for jobs for which you lack qualifications. Most job descriptions are written with very specific requirements. Yes, the company is trying to find the most qualified candidate; yes, they are trying to weed people out. It’s not personal, it’s business.
  2. You haven’t keyword-optimized your resume or application. Job descriptions are salted with keywords specific to the skills or attributes the company seeks in applicants. A close read of the job description is a necessity, as is keyword-optimizing your resume and cover letter, if you’re using one, or email. If the job description lists words in a certain order, e.g. a list of programming languages required, use the same order in your resume.
  3. Your resume isn’t formatted properly. You might think distinctive formatting will set your resume apart, but automated programs don’t care if a document is pretty. Help a machine out. Be consistent in formatting – consider using separate lines for former employer, job title, and years worked.
  4. Your resume is substantially different from your online profile. LinkedIn, Dice and other online profile sites can be useful tools, so it‘s important to make sure they match what’s on your resume. This may seem to be a contradiction – in #1 I advised keyword optimization – but it’s really common sense. Jobs worked, employers, years on the job and other details should match. The subtext here is always tell the truth.
  5. The company received 500 resumes for one job posting, and yours was 499th in. Looking for a job is a job. Do your research – know which companies you want to work for, organizations where you sense culture fit. Every morning scour the job postings and jump on anything for which you’re qualified (and in which you’re interested.) Being early with your resume or application does matter. Check back often in the first few days to make sure the listing hasn’t changed. Often a company will post a job and halfway through the process change the description.
It’s hard to game the system. Your best bet is still a personal referral, and even that may not be enough to get a call. A guy I know gave his resume to a woman who worked at a company where a good job had been posted. He received an automated email noting his resume had been received but never heard another word. After a month he asked his friend to check with the recruiter. It turned out the job description had changed, but the recruiter never bothered to let the referring employee – or the applicant – know. This isn’t unusual, unfortunately. So what can you do?
How You Can Get Noticed:
  1. Research interesting companies on social media. Find out who the recruiters are and follow them. Many will tweet new postings, so watch their streams and jump on anything for which you are qualified. And if they tweet news saying the company’s had a great quarter, retweet the news with a positive comment.
  2. Consider starting a blog in your area of interest or expertise. It’s a social world; time to build a trail of breadcrumbs leading to you. Include the blog, and links to any especially relevant posts, in your emails to recruiters with whom you’re working.
  3. Get professional help with your resume. Either a resume writer or an SEO expert can help you increase your odds of getting through the talent management software. If you can’t afford this step, read the top career blogs for advice.
  4. If at all possible, don’t wait until you’re out of work to find your next job. I realize for many people this isn’t possible or might even be offensive, but your chances of finding the next job are best when you’re still employed.
  5. Network. Old advice, but still true. Be visible, be upbeat, be informed about industry trends and news in your area of expertise.
Finding a job is tough, no question. I’ve talked to other recruiters who say they only respond to 30 percent of applicants. The odds are good you’ll be in the 60+ percent who hears nothing a lot of the time. Don’t take it personally – it’s not a rejection of you, it’s a reflection of the times. If you don’t hear back, know you’re not alone.

Adapted from other Articles ... :-)


Monday, July 2, 2012

Perseptive changes thought process

You know when you spot something that’s been sitting in front of your face for the longest time but you never noticed it before? From that point on you can never look at it the same again. This is what is call " Perspective changes your thought process ".

The moment you are occupied by any notion about any topic or any picture any view etc etc, Sooner or later you would realize that its really hard to think differently . in other words i would say digesting the other way of appreciating the same thing may look weird to you.

There are numerous examples of our perspective to some scenery some cloud, stone and tree formation and not to forget the outlook to some one personal behavior.  I personally do not rely on the data a priory this always pollutes your find and tie it up with some constrained outlook or perspective to the same. I once had a chance to be in the Air-force Lieutenant Selection Interviews. There we all participants were always told not to look on the tasks performed by our inmates while we are waiting for our turn.
Our Commanding officer was rather not polite and strictly asked us to not look at them. This is was a very fine example that i didn't understood the way i understand it now. He just didn't wanted us to have the idea of doing the task in the same fashion as the previous candidates were doing and re do the possible mistakes as they did too. This small peeping out and looking at them gave us as idea to preform the task and we sincerely thought that it was the only way to do it. and we erased and rather not tried to think of other possible ways. Having an insight and an preoccupied notion has different meaning to every situation and in most of the situation having a preoccupied notion from exterior minds does not really help and its almost equivalent to Killing your thought process or call it SUICIDE. 

You are free in this moment to think whatever thoughts you choose to think. You are one thought away from being supremely and authentically confident. You are one thought away from stepping powerfully, effectively and decisively in the direction of your dreams. 

With just one positive, empowering thought, you can turn toward achievement, toward excellence, toward discipline and commitment. From nothing more than a thought that resonates with your true purpose, you can change your perception of the whole world.
Reach into the place within, where you nurture your vision of the very best life you can imagine. With all you have, with all you are, feel the beautiful reality of that vision. And know that whatever you can imagine, whatever you can feel, you can create. In fact, it already exists within you.Its just the do not try to superimpose your mind with external thought or perspectives. Do not let you mind to be slave of other thoughts.

Just remember.. "The world looks different from different eyes" and "Killing the thoughts is equivalent to Suicide"



Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Excuses reveal priorities.

"Excuses reveal priorities. When we offer an excuse to do [or not do] something, it’s only because there’s something else that’s more important to us."

So what’s the difference between an excuse and a priority?  To most people, an excuse is an illegitimate reason why you choose to do (or not do) something.  There may be some degree of truth to the reason, but ultimately when examined objectively, honestly, and in depth, it holds little water in justifying your actions or lack thereof.

In contrast, a priority is simply something you value more than the action you are replacing.  If your life vision and priorities are well-defined, your choice of activities and behaviors become clear

Why is “busy-ness” an excuse?  Because although it has some legitimacy, I know deep down I could have found the time.   I procrastinated, and this just led to more procrastination- I let it build up and build up.  You know the rest of the :P

Motivation, priorities, excuses. All of these things affect you and your work. We are either extremely lacking or highly motivated. we either make it a priority or we shove it to the end of our priority list. excuses in many many forms then you probably can think of.   For me motivation comes in waves. some people get motivated from the failures or attempts. I am not. I am motivated with good things good feeling good people around me or some good act which somehow boot in some positive energy into me for my work. 

Do not let the tears and excuses stop you from living out your life loud. 

I feel we all have somehow figured this fact out that no one is busy in this world everyone is having some priorities to fulfill or abide by. the only thing that can make you still be alive in the same situation is having a dynamic change in your process thinking realization and prospective approach to the same problem. sometimes our life our environment is so stagnant or monotonous that we think of getting bored of the same work/thing which had a lot of enthusiastic motivation. 

When you do things differently, giving up those parts of your life that have been self-defeating
for those which are self-affirming, your weight, your health, and your life change dramatically.
You acquire self-discipline and strength

Prioritizing our lives can be quite complicated, especially when it comes to working out. I know it is always lying on the bottom of our priority list. 

Well to me Excuses and priorities are the opposite faces of the same coin. ( see photo above ) The first lines of this blog is also pointing on this fact that with your every simple logical tangible blah blah blah excuses you just point your fingers towards your priorities which has no space to keep the task in consideration. I am not posing to defend any part of the statement but if we either compromise with our priorities or move out with the flow then we are no other than others who always plans for the best and finds himself in the worst situation. 

Be honest with yourself as to why you are or aren’t doing something.  If you define your priorities and values in life clearly, you’re more likely to take actions that are aligned with them and avoid those that detract from your ultimate goals and vision.
I would leave you with your inner mind fighting over this debate and also end up this conversation by this one line which is :

"Just focus on your priorities, excuses will come out spontaneously. "


Wednesday, June 20, 2012


The World is a wonderful place..
make your every moment count.

Express yourself and stay positive..
have fun all around and explore.

Go absolute crazy with your desire..
and forget about any limits.

fall in love with your passion...
and cherish your friends.

close your eyes and believe in yourself..
endless opportunities are waiting.


Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Hunger games ( European Mushroon Masala )

 European Mushroon Masala Recipe 
(Originally Chiku but Modified by me
  1. Chop the Mushrooms into halves.
  2. Cut the Potatoes into small cubes
  3. Cut some Onions very fine ( as i do not have Mixer Grinder ) 
  4. Put some mustard oil in the pan and fry the Mushrooms for several minutes with salt and turmeric and put them aside.
  5. Fry the chopped potatoes in the pan with Mustard oil and put them aside.
  6. Now put some Ghee in the pan and put garlic powder fry it jeera till it gets red, add Onions salt and turmeric and fry till it gets light brown.
  7. When the Oil is leaving the masala put the Tomatoes Puree and other masala incl mirch dhaniya and garam masla fry for several minutes.
  8. After you smell the masala right put the potatoes and mushrooms back in the masala and steer for several minutes 
  9. In the end put some water and let it cook for 5 more minutes and its ready. 
  10. Serve it with Rice or Chapati

This is how i lost my 2 hours..... :-) 

Couldnot Resist

So i could not resist my self to keep away from writing and i came back with the blogging stuff. Well these days are too busy and after being enjoying my life in such a struggle i was completely unaware to explore out the world so loud. 

Here is the deal what i made up my mind with i will start reading and writing both because.. i know this will keep me busy and help me not to cry for everything i lines for today..

" Not every thing is meant to be mine and not every thing is forever "

Friday, August 6, 2010

Aasmaan se Chann kar..

आसमा से छन्न कर आई मोतिया मै क्या कहूं,
तार के पत्ते पर बिखरा जैसे कोई नूर हो,
सहमा सा कभी देखता तुमको और कभी उस नूर को,
हूबहू वो लगता तुमसा,और सहमा मै क्या कहूं,

सौंधी सी खुशबू तुम्हारी,
जैसे मिट्टियों में ओश की,
हेर जगह अब लगता तुम हो बस इसी अहसास से,

कभी छुपाती पंखुरियों को हथेलियों पर प्यार से,
खाव्ब हो उठते है गुलसन,बस इस्सी अंदाज़ से.

तुम्हे देखूं हेर लम्हा बस यही है आरज़ू,
खाव्ब बन जाए हकीकत इससे आगे मै क्या कहूं

Written by :
Swaraj Prakash 
New Delhi 

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Tum raasta mai ek ajnabi

Tum Raasta ho , mai ek Ajnabi..
Lagta hai kyun mujhe  har Ghari...

Ek adhure geet ki  
Ek tum kadi ek mai kadi ..

Na jane yeh kaisa silsila
Mai yahan aur tum kahin ...

Tumse dur rehkar yeh jana 
Kya khoya kya paya nahi ..

Har lamhe se guzarish yeh hai 
Ke mil saken hum phir kabhi

Tum raasta mai ek ajnabi 
Lagta hai kyun har gahri

Mere dil ne kaha  tum ho yahin,
Per pehlu mein tha koi nahi.

Sirf kuch ek aahate hi hain 
Jinme simti yeh zindagi.

Pehlu mein tha aaj koso dur hai
Ke bazm mein ashko ka dastoor nahi..

Ban jao haqiqat sapno se pare.
Ke ab furkat mein jeena nahi..

Tum raasta mai ek ajnabi 
Lagta hai kyun har gahr..

Ek adhure geet ki  
Ek tum kadi ek mai kadi .



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